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Email Filtering

Unwanted email is not only a real pain in the hard drive, but a real risk to your organisation. Phishing designed to fool your teams and exploit your business is an increasing everyday occurrence.

IFB has the solution.

Located on our infrastructure, our Email filtering service removes millions of unwanted email on a daily basis before they reach our customers - helping reduce threats by intercepting incoming malicious mail before it even reaches your inbox. Used in combination with other malware and anti virus services it can reduce the potential for a rogue email to find its way to a user and inadvertently being opened.

  • Helps stop unwanted email reaching you - We apply security filtering upstream of your network before they reach you

  • Reduces risk to your business - limits the chances of a rogue or malicious email reaching your team and being opened - compromising your business and its data

  • Reduces costs - decreasing the volume of unwanted email lessens the impact on time and resources managing these

email filtering IFB Aberdeen