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Threat Intelligence

Cyber Attackers need just one opportunity to get a foothold within your network, IFB’s Threat Intelligence Platform can help identify these security risks before attackers do.

IFB has the solution.

IFB’s Threat Intelligence Platform is designed for organisations of all sizes to help identify and report on vulnerabilities on devices attached to your network. This includes outdated operating systems or security patching versions, incomplete or problematic device configurations and usage of default or weak passwords.  

  • Stay secure – improve the security of your organisation  

  • Clear, actionable reporting – use our secure dashboard to evaluate potential risks and close them down quickly and precisely and track trends and changes

  • Be cost effective – use our platform to reduce your teams time on reporting and analytics   

  • Accreditation and confidence – help you achieve and maintain cyber security accreditation such as Cyber Essentials Plus 

Threat Intelligence IFB Aberdeen